Peremyachi with potatoes

Peremyachi with potatoes

For 1 kg of unleavened dough you will need:

2 eggs
250 ml water
100 g butter or margarine (melted)
1 tbsp.
a spoonful of sugar salt
500-700 gr flour

For filling:

onion (optional)


Knead not very steep dough, cover with a bowl and let lie down.

Peremyachi with potatoes

Prepare the filling: boil potatoes, mash, add hot milk, egg, butter, you can add fried onions, mix well. Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll into a sausage and cut the sausage into small pieces weighing about 50 grams.

Peremyachi with potatoes

Peremyachi with potatoes

Roll out each piece into a cake, not too thin.

Peremyachi with potatoes

Put the filling on the cake, then lift the edges and pinch to make a basket.

Peremyachi with potatoes

Peremyachi with potatoes

Peremyachi with potatoes

Send to the oven, when the dough starts to brown, brush the dough with beaten yolk and send it back to the oven, bake until golden brown. Transfer the finished peremyachi to a deep plate and cover so that the peremyachi are soft.

Peremyachi with potatoes

Peremyachi with potatoes

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